The primary care doctor you see for your regular checkups may recommend you to an orthopedic surgeon if they suspect a problem with your bones, joints or muscles. These doctors are called orthopedists, and they will work with other healthcare specialists throughout your treatment from the initial tests to the final recovery. These include nurses, pain specialists and physical therapists who will all play a role in helping you heal after your surgery.
The first step in the process is a head-to-toe assessment of your bones, muscles and joints by the orthopedist.강동역정형외과 They will also look for signs of a condition or injury by touching, moving and bending the affected body part. They may also order digital imaging or blood tests to fine-tune their diagnosis.

After your test results are in, the orthopedist will recommend a surgical procedure or nonsurgical treatment plan. Most of the time, they will try nonsurgical methods first like medications, splints or braces, physical therapy or other treatments. If they don’t work, they will then suggest surgery.송파정형외과
A hip replacement involves replacing the ball and socket of your hip joint. During the operation, the orthopedist will remove your damaged hip bone’s outer covering, insert the femur implant stem, put on the ceramic head of the femur and glue it in place. After that, they will place the acetabulum implant in the pelvis to create a new hip socket and attach it.
Swelling or stiffness of a joint can cause pain, tenderness and limited movement. The condition is known as bursitis. It happens when a sack filled with fluid that acts as a lubricant between muscles, tendons and bones gets irritated, usually due to overuse or being overweight. A knee, shoulder, elbow or hip joint might be affected. During surgery, the orthopedic doctor will drain the excess fluid from the bursa if it is causing your pain.
Orthopedic doctors treat sports injuries, car accidents and falls. They also diagnose and manage musculoskeletal conditions like arthritis.
Many people avoid getting the help they need from an orthopedic doctor because of fears of a long and painful recovery. The reality is that most surgeries cause some amount of pain for a while, but it goes away as the body heals. Some surgeries, like spine and hip operations, do take longer to recover from, but they can provide lasting relief.
You can help speed up your recovery by following the instructions given to you by the orthopedist, including keeping the wound clean and taking all prescribed medicines. You should also follow the advice of your physical therapist and keep all of your follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing. Keep in mind that your progress depends on how motivated and committed you are to working through the recovery process. Make sure to attend all your physical therapy sessions and follow the doctor’s guidelines for bathing and eating. Lastly, use ice to control swelling and avoid overuse of the area. Keeping these things in mind, you can have a successful and speedy recovery after your waist orthopedic surgery.