
Otolaryngology – The Specialty of Ears, Nose and Throat

Ears, nose and throat problems are the most common reasons people visit a healthcare professional. For these issues, many turn to otolaryngologists, doctors that specialize in the ears, nose and throat. The medical field that encompasses otolaryngology is called otorhinolaryngology, but most patients just call these physicians ear, nose and throat (ENT) providers.

There are many benefits of a visit to an otolaryngologist. They diagnose and treat a variety of conditions related to the ears, nose, throat and head. They also perform plastic surgery on the face and neck for cosmetic or functional reasons.

In 2010, people made 27 million visits to otolaryngologists in the United States. That’s more than a quarter of all healthcare appointments. People under the age of 15 years made up 20 percent of these visits.부산이비인후과 Among adults, people 45 to 64 years old visited otolaryngologists the most.

An otolaryngologist is a physician that has studied and trained in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the ears, nose, throat and head. He or she must complete four years of college, then spend another four in medical school and five years in a residency program that focuses on these areas of the body. After finishing the residency, he or she must pass an exam to receive board certification from the American Board of Otolaryngology.

There are a variety of health problems that can be diagnosed and treated by an otolaryngologist, including recurrent ear infections, sinus infections, hearing loss and balance disorders, nasal and laryngeal disease, thyroid issues, and skin cancers in these regions. They can also diagnose and manage sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea.부산코수술

Otolaryngologists can help children who have chronic ear infections by inserting tubes that allow air to enter the middle ear and reduce pressure caused by fluid. These tubes can be used for short or long periods of time. In some cases, the otolaryngologist will prescribe antibiotics to help clear the infection.

For many adults, an otolaryngologist can remove the tonsils or adenoids — glands in the back of the throat that are sometimes responsible for recurrent infections and breathing troubles. Adenoidectomies and tonsillectomies are usually performed under general anesthetic in a clinic or the hospital.

A otolaryngologist can also perform a tracheostomy, which creates an opening through the neck and windpipe to provide a tube that allows a person to breathe. This is done when other methods aren’t effective for a severe condition such as throat cancer or a deviated septum.

An otolaryngologist can also biopsy suspicious lesions or tumors found in the ear, nose or throat to determine if they are cancerous and need to be removed surgically. They can also perform facial plastic surgery to correct problems that arise from accidents or birth defects. They can even help with balance problems by performing tests and determining the causes of dizziness or vertigo. Often, a patient’s primary care provider will serve as the quarterback for his or her healthcare team and recommend an otolaryngologist or other specialist depending on the condition.